Infrastructure Materials
For Sustainable Construction and Preservation
Advanced Roadway Safety
With Tested and Proven Products
Durable Pavement Markings
For Safer Transportation
Improved Airfield Safety
With Jet Blast, Sealing and Patching Products
Transpo is a leading expert on safety and materials for the transportation industry worldwide.
Founded in 1968 with the belief that roads could be safer with the use of engineered safety products, today Transpo manufactures and supplies safety products and state-of-the-art materials for the repair, rehabilitation and maintenance of transportation roadways and structures. Widely recognized for their quality, performance, and reliability, our offerings include:
Roads & Highways Tested and proven products to ensure safer and sustainable roadways.
Bridges & Tunnels New bridge construction and preservation materials as well as precast products for bridges and tunnels.
- Pavement Marking Durable MMA markings to delineate bike, bus lanes, crosswalks, and safety zones.
- Airports Products and materials designed to improve airfield and runway safety and durability.
- Impact Attenuators/Crash Cushions Transpo is the largest distributor of Valtir energy attenuation devices throughout the Northeast United States.
Transpo is part of the effort to bring impactful, positive change through building and repairing our global infrastructure – making roads and cities safer for the traveling public.

Airports & Runways
Constant vigilance in airfield safety is a fact of today’s airports. Transpo produces state-of-the-art products and materials designed to improve airfield and runway safety.

Roads & Highways
Transpo understands the hazards of the road. We take pride knowing our roads & highway products are tested and proven to ensure safer roadway infrastructure.

Bridges & Tunnels
All around the world there are bridges and tunnels that are in dire need of rehabilitation. Transpo’s preservation materials and precast products may be the solution.

Pavement Marking
Used to delineate bike and bus lanes, crosswalks and safety zones, Color-Safe® MMA marking material is one of the most durable and cost-effective markings on the market.