Screen-Safe® Glare Screen Safety Shield

Transpo Screen-Safe® protects drivers and work zone crews from headlight glare and debris with a barrier fence. Screen-Safe is the safest, most effective glare screen and barrier fence available for roadways, ramps and work-zones.

Screen-Safe is made from unique, double-reverse corrugated (DRC) fabric, formed from hot-dipped galvanized steel. Powder-coating provided an additional level of protection from salt and snow. It is suitable for both permanent and temporary locations and can quickly and easily be removed and reinstalled at new locations with minimal disruption to traffic flow.

Features and Advantages

  • All hardware components are structural grade
  • Eliminates Motorist Distractions from Headlight Glare
  • Protects Work Zone Crews from Injury
  • Self-Supporting for Concrete Barrier, Steel, and Timber Guardrail Systems
  • Little to No Maintenance

Design Plans and Specifications

Transpo Engineers are available to evaluate proposed locations for Screen-Safe® and prepare detailed construction plans and specifications in conjunction with consulting engineers.