Screen-Safe® Pedestrian Crossover Deterrent

Transpo Screen-Safe® Pedestrian Crossover Deterrent is a highly effective tool that is helping to battle the alarming rise in pedestrian road fatalities. in battling this alarming trend. Screen-Safe provides a safe and highly visible barrier over highway medians which helps discourage people from crossing in non-designated areas and deters them from trying to climb over. The continuous opaque surface further deters cross over attempts and helps keep drivers and pedestrians safe.

The key to Screen-Safe’s performance comes from its unique double-reversed corrugated (DRC) fabric, formed from hot-dipped galvanized sheet steel. The DRC fabric is powder-coated to provide additional protection from salt & snow and provides a shield from oncoming headlights.

Screen-Safe has been tested to MASH level 3 and 4 standards and is considered to be highly effective at deterring these dangerous crossings and helping to reduce injuries and save lives.

Features and Advantages

  • All hardware components are structural grade
  • Eliminates Motorist Distractions from Headlight Glare
  • Protects Work Zone Crews from Injury
  • Self-Supporting for Concrete Barrier, Steel, and Timber Guardrail Systems
  • Little to No Maintenance