T-17 MMA Polymer Concrete Patching

Transpo T-17 is used on airports around the country for fast permanent repairs to runways and taxiways. Emergency repairs in the runway safety area are both costly and disruptive to airport operations. Using a patching material like T-17 polymer concrete to make the repair assures the repair will be fully cured in less than 90 minutes and will last indefinitely.

Features and Advantages

  • Wide Application Temperature Range (14-100° F)
  • Fast Setting (45 minutes at 70° F)
  • High Early Strength (Compressive strength of 5,000 psi @3hrs and >9,000-9,000 psi @24hr)
  • Strong Chemical Bond
  • Freeze-Thaw Resistant

Easy to Use, No Special Tools or Trades Needed

T-17 can be used as a neat mortar for grouting or thin patches, it can be filled with prepackaged coarse aggregate and used for partial or full-depth patching in a single pour. The rapid curing time assures a quick return to service.


Application of T-17 requires minimal labor and standard concrete mixing equipment. A thin coat of primer is used to seal the existing concrete surface and increase the bond strength of the T-17 to the Portland cement concrete (PCC) substrate.

  • Runways and Taxiways
  • Hangars
  • Garage Parking Decks

*Refer to the FAA Circular Advisory on Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements (AC 150/5380 6C) for more details on pavement maintenance.

Different formulations available to meet various state/project specifications and requirements.